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Corporate and Commercial

About Corporate and Commercial

Have you running your business for many years or have you just started? We understand there can be many things to handle for you: operation, sales and marketing, team, and so on. There are a few legal things about running a business such as having commercial agreements, complying with the law, and structuring transactions.

Shareholder Agreement

Prepare legal agreements

Inevitably, there will be partners or cooperation in running a business. We can help you prepare legal agreements such as shareholder agreements, joint venture agreements, and non-disclosure agreements to protect your rights.

Compliance and Regulations

Compliance with the law

The laws are changing and we can advise you on your business compliance with the law such as environmental law and issues. Non-compliance can cause fines and imprisonment, so we have to keep note of it.

Business Advisory

Structure transaction

If you are looking to get into a transaction with others and need to protect your rights while achieving your goals, we can help you with structuring the transaction. Law can only be applied to your advantage when it is paired with business acumen.

What Our Customer Say

WenJie & Co. is a law firm that has been so accommodating and more important knowledgeable with all my commercial and corporate legal needs.

Giving me and my associates professional legal advise as we set up our new start up adventure. The lawyers were very patient and detailed with their explaining, which helped us a lot with our partnership agreement that is fair for all parties.

Definitely recommended for any new start ups and businesses for any law advises. They are the right law firm to engage with.

Bryan Bay
Project Smoked

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